Sunday, May 20, 2012

Beginning... again!

This darling girl is Annie. 
I started to shadow a photographer, her name is Lauren and her business is LaLa's Lens. I've only gone out once with her and I'm surprised at how much I have learned! She is such a likable person! She doesn't hide any of her secrets and I am so thankful for that. 
She told me to really get into the photography business I need to start a blog and make a Facebook page, basically just get my name out there. 
So here I am. Attempting my blog again. But this time is different. It's summer and I'm at home trying to find a job and keep this disaster, we call a house, clean. So I will add a new picture a day, set a reminder in my phone for a specific time of day to do it. 
Now back to Annie. She is really just a cute little girl. I was at a reception last night with Lauren, one of her husband's niece's, I believe. Turns out the reception was for my roommates sister. So I got to talk and see my roommate Aly! So that was exciting! There were three little kids there at the beginning and so I got lots of cute shots of them, which I will probably load within the next week. 

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About Me

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I've grown up in the Bountiful area. Went to Woods Cross High School, where I took a photography class every year. My senior year was an internship at the Castle with Deanne Parry. After high school, I headed down to Snow College in Ephraim to earn my Associates degree and continue taking pictures. I was the Student photographer for the college. Now I'm back at home in Bountiful, going to the U and currently shadowing LaLa's Lens.