Saturday, September 17, 2011

Football, Football, and... More Football!!

FOOTBALL!!! I LOVE football! Taking pictures on the sidelines is the best!! Scary, but fun! You have to keep out of the way of the players and the refs, who are the biggest douche bags! Geez, they aren't the players, they aren't the favorites, they don't own the field. Football is awesome! Favorite thing about my job so far! I also really liked rugby.
Anyway, college is great! I love it. It's way more laid back then high school is! Except, one thing that I've learned is that most classes do take role. All my dance classes do, actually I think all my classes do except for art, but I think he does it, but just does it in his mind. I actually have less homework then I did in high school, my hardest class is biology and it's not even bad. My worst class is definitely Dance Ensemble though. As much as I love dancing, this is overboard. I'm not going to school to become a dance major, I just want to dance. We are required to take ballet and modern and SDE, then we have our aerial classes (the dance on the fabrics in the air). In a regular week I dance for 14 hours. On top of that Patty, my dance teacher, schedules well known chorographers to come, which is great, don't get me wrong I love it. Except! Except that she does it every holiday weekend. What the heck. It bothers me so much! But luckily we get Sunday's off so I can still run home for a day and see my family, but it just bothers me! She can't just do it on a boring weekend. Ugh. I'm not doing this next year, only ballet and some modern classes. My ballet teacher told me that 2 years ago Patty burned everyone out and no one returned their sophomore year. Personally I think it will be the same way, but I think we only have 3 freshman this year. Oh well, It's a good experience and I'll learn a lot!
So my mom and sisters came down today! It was way fun! We went to Devil's Kitchen and I got to see my puppies!! My mom cooked dinner and we had the best cookies ever! I finally get to go home (for one day because of dance) in 2 weeks and we'll go to boondocks! I'm so excited! I LOVE boondocks, especially because of all the people that come with! We always have a blast!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

August 31, 2011

I. LOVE. MY. JOB!!! Best job in the world! It's like I'm not even working! This week I am required to take pictures of students studying outside, students on the new library patio, and the Rugby practices. So I went to practice today and it was so much fun. Rugby is an interesting sport and one I can easily fall in love with. I haven't taken any football pictures yet, but I think I'll like Rugby more because you get more facials.
Anyway, that was a sneak peek of pictures. I took over 1,000 pictures at their practice today. I was also supposed to go photograph this foam party... Yeah that never happened. Ha! My roommates made it there before I did and they were drenched, then some friends came running out and they said it was crazy, that everything was wet. So there was no way I was going in there with my camera! Sorry Greg, I'll photograph a different stomp.
So this weekend is Labor day weekend, and I'm stuck at the school. I have dance practices everyday except for sunday. Saturday and Monday practices are 6 HOURS long!!! We're all going to die! That is forever to dance!! So I can't wait for this weekend to be done with.

About Me

My photo
I've grown up in the Bountiful area. Went to Woods Cross High School, where I took a photography class every year. My senior year was an internship at the Castle with Deanne Parry. After high school, I headed down to Snow College in Ephraim to earn my Associates degree and continue taking pictures. I was the Student photographer for the college. Now I'm back at home in Bountiful, going to the U and currently shadowing LaLa's Lens.