Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November 15, 2011

This picture oddly reminds me of our relationship. Ha Tabi is always so absorbed in herself that she doesn't notice the creeper right behind her! And of course I'm taking pictures of it. 
I'm super excited for Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see my cousins and eat Prime Rib. I love love love it! I can't wait to go night sledding and see my pudgy. Well not my Pudgy. I want to see lil pudge and his fat fat belly. And I get laser hair removal on Wednesday... Which means I have to shave. ugh. ha And hopefully! I get a Hedgehog! But I don't know... 
One thing I am extremely excited about it church. Sam and Dallas will be there, or at least Dallas. I haven't seen them in forever! There was a time when we would all hang out! But now they live in Wyoming... 
Oh! So I get to register for classes on Thursday! I am so excited. I keep writing out my schedule and making sure it works out. I'll be taking 16 credits, and if I can slip it in I'll take English 2010 and then I will have all my requirements for an Associates degree, just need to get in more credit hours. The only thing that I'm worried about is my chemistry credits. Or actually all my science credits. I hope I don't have to take another science, I should be good but I'll have to double check. But it's all art and gym credits. I'm going to take Archery! That should be way fun! 

Friday, November 11, 2011

My family

Today I have thankful for my family. I don't know where I would be without them. No matter how weird they are or how cool they think they are, they are always there. Even if they defriend me on facebook, I know that eventually they will add me again. I actually miss seeing my family on a regular basis, sometimes. I miss not having movie nights with Tabi and having her fall asleep before the ending of Cloudy. I miss Tori getting up the next morning and punching us. "You guys always never wake me up!"
All these pictures are from Bear Lake. Even though I had just gotten my wisdom teeth out I still had fun. The nights were cold, but I had so much fun playing cards with Scott and being able to see his kids all the time. I absolutely love Addie and Ethan. They are so sweet and so hilarious. 
Even though I love college, I also love going home to see my family. I always want to see everyone when I go home, but I hardly ever do. I don't think I've seen my extended family since I left... Well I've see the Turner side once, and for like 5 minutes. None of my extended family has seen my hair except for on facebook. I'm glad that I'm coming home during Thanksgiving and I'll get to see most my family! 

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I am exhausted! Thursday's are always so long because of Human Biology. It's a 3 hour class once a week. It sucks and I just don't have the energy to sit there. His lecture's are kinda pointless to because he posts all the questions and answers to the tests online so we can study those. Easy, long, boring class. 
Anyway, I just spent the last half hour walking around campus trying to find Jason Chaffetz. He is a congressman for Utah in case you are politically retarded. I actually would have been slightly excited to hear him talk, but I couldn't find him. I actually made a new friend by walking around. Her name is Emma and she writes for Greg, while I take all the pictures. We found out that we live really close actually. She went to Viewmont, where most people down here are from Riverton or Gunnison, I swear. 
So for Christmas I have decided that I would like a hedgehog. They are wonderful pets. Everyone that has one really likes them. They are easy to take care of and really smart.They can be potty trained and sleep most the day. They don't stink like rodents and they are usually really clean animals, only needing a bath once every couple of months. They eat cat food because it's high in protein and low in fat. They have their own personalities also. Every single one is unique, which I guess every animal and human does. Most like to be held to a certain degree. They have horrible eyesight so they get to know you by your smell and your voice. The younger you get them then there is a greater chance there will be a great bond. I already know where I would put it and how I would set up its cage. I think I want a male more, mainly just because I have names in mind. But I guess I could breed a female and make some money. 
I would absolutely love one. But we'll see if my mom agrees. I also decided that I want to be an ambassador next year and see if I can get the same job that I have right now. Then I would have a scholarship and one for my apartment and a job, earning money. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8, 2011

So finally I post something! It's been pretty exciting since last time. I keep thinking that I want to blog more, we'll see, I'm making no promises. 
So last week was Homecoming... It was freezing! Taking pictures for football was horrible. I couldn't feel my hands and couldn't move my fingers, until my officer boyfriend (not really, he just always hangs around me during the games) gave me a hand warmer. It was a very nice gesture and I greatly appreciated it! I got some great pictures! Especially of ref's in the way of my lens. So there is one more home game, then there will be the "Top of the Mountains" where Snow football goes to Rio Tinto and plays. Greg asked if I wanted to go... Seriously, did he even need to ask? So I'm getting a sideline pass and I'm going to Salt Lake on Dec. 3 to take pictures. I am stoked!!
So this is the lovely month of registration. I am actually super excited. I am done with this semester and if I can get the schedule that I want for next semester it will be great! Hopefully I can take an Archery class and I'm planning on taking circuit training! It will be crazy! On top of that I would take Photography and 3D Design. It'll be a little crazy. 
So Ephraim gets freezing, but there is no snow yet. It's crazy and I know once the snow sticks then it'll be here until summer semester. I still love it down here! It's way fun. I love being on my own and having roommates that blast the heater, even at night when it's supposed to be colder. I was being sarcastic about the roommates. It sucks, but they are pretty great otherwise, except for Audrey's occasional sleep talking and wall punching and man talking. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Football, Football, and... More Football!!

FOOTBALL!!! I LOVE football! Taking pictures on the sidelines is the best!! Scary, but fun! You have to keep out of the way of the players and the refs, who are the biggest douche bags! Geez, they aren't the players, they aren't the favorites, they don't own the field. Football is awesome! Favorite thing about my job so far! I also really liked rugby.
Anyway, college is great! I love it. It's way more laid back then high school is! Except, one thing that I've learned is that most classes do take role. All my dance classes do, actually I think all my classes do except for art, but I think he does it, but just does it in his mind. I actually have less homework then I did in high school, my hardest class is biology and it's not even bad. My worst class is definitely Dance Ensemble though. As much as I love dancing, this is overboard. I'm not going to school to become a dance major, I just want to dance. We are required to take ballet and modern and SDE, then we have our aerial classes (the dance on the fabrics in the air). In a regular week I dance for 14 hours. On top of that Patty, my dance teacher, schedules well known chorographers to come, which is great, don't get me wrong I love it. Except! Except that she does it every holiday weekend. What the heck. It bothers me so much! But luckily we get Sunday's off so I can still run home for a day and see my family, but it just bothers me! She can't just do it on a boring weekend. Ugh. I'm not doing this next year, only ballet and some modern classes. My ballet teacher told me that 2 years ago Patty burned everyone out and no one returned their sophomore year. Personally I think it will be the same way, but I think we only have 3 freshman this year. Oh well, It's a good experience and I'll learn a lot!
So my mom and sisters came down today! It was way fun! We went to Devil's Kitchen and I got to see my puppies!! My mom cooked dinner and we had the best cookies ever! I finally get to go home (for one day because of dance) in 2 weeks and we'll go to boondocks! I'm so excited! I LOVE boondocks, especially because of all the people that come with! We always have a blast!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

August 31, 2011

I. LOVE. MY. JOB!!! Best job in the world! It's like I'm not even working! This week I am required to take pictures of students studying outside, students on the new library patio, and the Rugby practices. So I went to practice today and it was so much fun. Rugby is an interesting sport and one I can easily fall in love with. I haven't taken any football pictures yet, but I think I'll like Rugby more because you get more facials.
Anyway, that was a sneak peek of pictures. I took over 1,000 pictures at their practice today. I was also supposed to go photograph this foam party... Yeah that never happened. Ha! My roommates made it there before I did and they were drenched, then some friends came running out and they said it was crazy, that everything was wet. So there was no way I was going in there with my camera! Sorry Greg, I'll photograph a different stomp.
So this weekend is Labor day weekend, and I'm stuck at the school. I have dance practices everyday except for sunday. Saturday and Monday practices are 6 HOURS long!!! We're all going to die! That is forever to dance!! So I can't wait for this weekend to be done with.

Monday, August 29, 2011

August 29 2011

COLLEGE!!! Crazy stuff! I'm so old! It's super weird living with roommates and not having the same classes every other day and not seeing all the same faces, but I love it! I get to do my own laundry and make my own food! Oh wait... I already did that before! Haha! There are way more mature people at college. None of that silly high school stuff. Tonight I watched 6 people run around a pool table hitting the balls together and giggling like 5 year olds! I see skate boards, long boards and bikes more than cars and just the other day my friends and I watched a beehive float down a river. I think I've actually become more of a kid! We had a "snow day" and had hula hoops, inflatable toys, and a slip n slide!
Anyway! I have this awesome job where I just take pictures! It's amazing and its so not a job! This picture was taken about 20 minutes from Nephi in a little place called Uinta National Park. If you enter then there is a little river and a small man made waterfall, but that isn't even the best part! (it's just where I got the best picture!) If you drive for about 7 miles up this road then eventually you see a sign that says Devil's Kitchen! Most amazing place! Not ever, just that I've seen here. It's seriously a mini bryce canyon. Colton and I just sat there amazed then I started taking pictures. It was red rock and on one side the sky was light blue and on the other there were dark storm clouds.
That's one thing I love about Ephraim, it rains. I think it's rained, thundered, and lightninged? every night that I've been here. It's in between 2 mountain ranges and so there are always clouds that are threatening to cry on us. I love it. I am so glad that I decided to come down here!
Oh yeah! I've grown up. My room has always been clean and I make my bed once I've gotten out of the bathroom in the mornings!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 13, 2011

This picture is just beautiful to me! I love love love the lighting! It just all worked out perfectly. This was in an old abandoned house also. It was completely trashed. Not like weathered, but just junk everywhere! We found a magazine that was from like 1964. Crazy Stuff.
Anyway, today I woke up to a friend request on facebook, her name is Mikelle Ostler. Turns out she'll be my roommate! She looks super cute and fun! So I guess I won't get stuck with an overweight emotional girl that cries constantly. I'm super excited for college! I'm ready to leave and live on my own, make my own decisions, make new friends and most of all.... TAKE PICTURES! I'm so so so excited for football! Those will be fantastic! I LOVE sports photography especially football! Oh my! I just can't wait!
Another great thing... I went to mutual. I can't remember the last time I went, but we played fugitive! We started at the firehouse on Bountiful Boulevard and ran to the church on Davis. It was crazy, I haven't ran that far in a while but my father and I got caught... But it was so much fun, except it was still light outside. Whatever, we're playing again next weekend but in the dark! It's my favorite night game now.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Abandoned Houses

I absolutely love abandoned houses! All the ones that where built forever ago and everyone just up and left. This one was pretty awesome. There were two bedrooms, a kitchen and a front room. The bathroom was outside... But there was plumbing in the house and electricity... In one of the rooms the floor had collapsed into the cellar. There was a stable behind it, dirt floor, and we found a super old broom in it. Haha I was a little confused, did they sweep the dirt? Who knows.
I am so excited to go down to Ephraim! Hopefully there will be tons of old places down there! And tractors! Lately I have found tons of tractors around Bountiful because of the pipeline going in. I just want one more than ever!
I even passed my AP english tests! I got 3's on both and I was so excited and surprised at the same time!
I was looking back at older posts because, obviously, I hadn't been on for like 3 months... I remember all about Dance Company. Ha fun, not. I look back at it now and I'm glad I did it. It was hell at the end but after the concert it was easy and a class I looked forward to, mostly because she let us leave early. My life is amazing now. It was so hard and I struggled but I made it! I graduated, I passed my AP tests, and I've finished a government class at the U. I can't wait for college, but I also don't want this summer to end! This is definitely the best summer so far!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Tabitha recently got a bunion removed... She just barely got the stitches out and was told she could swim, but she was scared of keeping it in the water. Her heel is filled with fluid! It's nasty but this explains her life... The look and all.


Brilliant picture! Thank you Colton Kilpack for the idea. I love that you can see the "Bic" and the firework in the background. This is one that the more I look at it, the more I love it.

Fourth of July

Lucky Tabi found a cookie that says hi!! You can see her excitement with her hooker make up!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 13, 2011

Who loves daylight savings? Not me! Haha Well. Dance Company basically has a week and a half left! I'm excited. Today was so much fun! I seriously haven't had such a good day in a long time. First off, I studied. Surprisingly. I'm understanding chemistry a little better. Then I went and watched Molly at her ballet recital. I struggle at watching ballet and not say anything. Anyway. I got photoshop on my NEW LAPTOP! I love it. Then I went to the B with my friend, Colton. It was so much fun! We watched rednecks light a fire and burn a couch. Haha. We just sat there and looked down into the valley and watched cars drive around. We talked for a while and listened to the rain and the idiots playing IN the fire. Then we drove through puddles in his truck and went exploring by this cave like thing, except we heard creepy noises and ended up running away. But it was way fun! The rednecks were definately the best haha. I also watched the Sandlot, for the first time. It was way good.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 6, 2011

Dance Company has taken over my life!! I cannot wait for it to be over! Either I'm dancing, eating, sleeping and trying to do homework. I haven't been on the computer for a while! I got a new phone, which is great! And so I'm always on that! Right now I'm trying to shadow this guy at a wedding so I can learn what to do because a friend asked me if I would want to photograph his wedding! I'm excited, but who knows if it'll really happen.
I tried out for different dance teams down at Snow College and I got called back which is exciting! So I have to go back down there in April to try out... again. I also talked to the girl that has my job down there right now, the events photographer, and I cannot wait for it! It'll be awesome and I'll absolutely LOVE my job, unlike now, but that's a different story.
When I was down in Ephriam last week I found a place to live! I couldn't decide between two places, then I decided and sent an application through the internet and it didn't go through, which I am so grateful for because I didn't pick it! My parents said that they places where tiny and there was hardly any room and this other place is bigger and seems more friendly. I'm so excited, I want to meet new people and make new friends and what not. I'm just done with high school, mostly the people. But I'm still going and being on time!
Well, I believe that's all for now, I'm going to try to keep up with this, but I make no promises right now!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I want this painted in my bedroom! I've decided this is my soul! haha jk! This last week has been TERRIBLE! Monday I had to take my mom to the hosiptal because she hurt her back, so I missed school. After school everyday I had dance, I'm making up a solo for my Snow audition and it takes a ton of energy! I worked on Friday and it was good to work, except there is one kid that I work with that is so rude. He ignores the servers and doesn't do what they say, he is inconsiderate and he expects everyone to work around him. I have such a mouth that I just have to bite my tongue and walk away. I just want to knee him... Then Saturday I had dance from 9-12 then had to go to the store and I asked my friend to Sweethearts, plus we were going up to Idaho for my cousins farewell. So once I got home from dance I needed a shower but my mom wanted me to clean up everything and my dad wanted me to already be ready to go! The entire night I was going to bed around 1 am because I had so much homework. It was good for my to see the Fluckigers and to mess with Brent. It makes me happy. Haha Hopefully this week is a lot better! I'm crossing my fingers!

Rexburg Temple

Rexburg, Idaho. Home of the Fluckigers! hahah I went up here for my cousins mission farewell. Currently this temple is closed and I was told it looks better with all the lights turned on. But it's still a pretty temple. A small one too, there was a church or stake center down the street that looked bigger than it!

Idaho Falls Temple

The Idaho Falls Temple is also pretty. Its by a lake so when we drove up there was fog all over and duck crossing signs, which I had never seen before! I got some pictures in the day also, but I liked the night ones best!

Logan Temple

Logan!! Is freaking freezing!! We got out and walked around and it was soo cold! I'm so glad I'm not going to Utah State for college! But this temple is pretty. It looks like there is sand holding it all together. It's a lot like the Manti Temple. I took lots of other pictures that showed it was a temple and had Moroni on top, but I liked this one the best. It shows off all the different angles!

Ogden Temple

The Ogden Temple before it's redone! I think it's one of the least attractive temples... Not going to lie. I came here a couple years ago to do baptisms with one of my best friends and her sister and husband. It was pretty cool, just different because I only knew one person doing baptisms with me..

Friday, February 4, 2011

February 4, 2011

School couldn't have ended sooner! It was bad! It just dragged on.. Except in Health my teacher told everyone to lay down and take a power nap. It was good! We practiced our partner dance for dance company today. It was fun but tiring! Its going to look awesome! I still sound like a man.. Hopefully I get my voice back eventually, I don't want to work if people think I'm sick, so I took the day off.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 3, 2011

Tabitha had a basketball game today against Bountiful Junior.. They lost, which is normal. This girl blocking Tabitha was interesting, to say the least. She had her entire head braided, looked like it happened last month.. She is about triple the width of Tabi and probably 2 inches taller. She also kept picking wedgies...
Today was also an interesting day. I took NyQuil last night to help with my cold symptoms and I woke up, and could breathe, I just wanted to sleep. I fell asleep in history and my teacher made fun of me because of my voice.. I sound like a creepy old man who wants to rape a child.. Helga, my car, also died today.. As I was leaving dance then my car wouldn't start. I noticed she hadn't been starting up as quickly as usual also, but I just thought that it was cold outside.. But the battery died and my dad came and saved us and now Helga is back! I didn't realize how much she wasn't herself!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February 2, 2011

Coolest Museum I have ever been to! International Spy Museum!! I learned so much! I could totally be a spy, except they are brilliant! Today was freezing!! I had a coat on and was only outside for about a minute at a time and I thought I was going to die! But.. the Groundhog didn't see his shadow! Early Spring! Surprising, this is the first time I can remember him not seeing his shadow! Still calls for the viewing of the movie.. Groundhog Day with Bill Murray!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1, 2011

The Lincoln Memorial! It was actually very gross... Its about a 5 to 10 minute walk from the mall and so everyone went there. There were ducks everywhere so it smelled and was covered in poop! This was the last place we went in DC. It was really cool actually. The warmest day when we visited. I love sunset pictures, especially when the camera gets the correct colors. This picture somewhat reflects my mood today. It was a long day and all I want to do is sleep. I just want to have it end. I hate being behind and staying after school to make up tests. I hate being weak! Today I couldn't even dance, or do anything in gym because I couldn't breathe and would start coughing! Hopefully I'm better tomorrow, but who knows.
I am also putting together a solo for my Dance Emsemble audition, so if anyone has any great music ideas for a ballet/modern solo, please share!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31, 2011

Ghost town in St. George. It was beautiful! I loved it, I loved exploring it and seeing how small everything was, like bedrooms and whatnot. Today I didn't go to school, I laid in bed all day with a fever. I definately feel better and hope I can go back to school tomorrow. As crazy as it sounds, I just hate getting behind in school.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 30, 2011

So far this Sunday is going good! Woke up and went to church, had my interview with the bishop for my Personal Progress award! Very exciting! We were going to go up to Ogden and take pictures of the temple but decided it was to grapey (as tabi would call it) outside, so instead its just naptime in the Turner household. Last night at work, one of my coworkers, Joe, asked me if I would take pictures of his dog for him. Haha! He wants his dog to be a model because he is so perfectly symmetrical.  This was one of my pictures in my portfolio. I had to show off my photoshop skills!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 29, 2011

Last night we performed during halftime at the WX v East high game. It went awesome! Except that I slipped once.. Oh well. Today has been spent cleaning... Then I work. Fun day.

Friday, January 28, 2011

WX vs East High

The uncalled foul. Everyone started yelling at the refs, and guess who got it on camera! Booyah! This game was awesome! I had so much fun, it was my first of the year! We won 86 to 58. I love sports photography!

January 28, 2011

The Washington Memorial! Spent an entire Monday in Washington DC, obviously this is where I was at sunset. Washington DC was cooler than New York! There is so much history and so much to see! One day was definately not long enough! Today was difficult, it was hard to get out of bed and get to school, but I had to, I have Mr. McCleery (attendance nazi). Chemistry was  a waste of time. My uncle's mother was the sub, so I just left early and had an hour and a half lunch! Tonight I'm performing at halftime for the basketball game! It should be exciting!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

St. George, Utah Temple

The Glorious St. George Temple! Amazing! It was so incredibly white! With the red rock in the background.. Breathtaking! We stopped by here on Saturday and there was a wedding going on at the time. This is also the temple that Jack and Lynne Johnston (Jill's parents!) got married in! Thats what I learned from Jack! While we were here we were waiting for my aunts family to arrive and Tabi started to climb a tree, funniest thing ever! She got stuck and it took her a while to get out, then again, Tori only got up with me boosting her. I could totally get married in this temple!

Manti, Utah Temple

The Manti Temple, secretly my cousins favorite temple. On my way down to St. George we stopped by the Manti Temple, along with Snow College :) I have some great memories in Manti. We came camping down here once and as soon as we pulled into the campground, Clifford the Ford F350 died. Everyone was super friendly and helped us move the truck and put the camper into the spot. The same time, but a couple days later we were swimming and this kid was following me around, literally all around! So I was going after a frizbee that my dad had thrown into the pool and as I was going for it.. I kicked him.. in the groin. I felt bad but he was in my bubble! Anyway, I'm excited to be able to visit this temple whenever!

Washington DC Temple

Aww! One of my favorite temples! I visited this beautiful place on a Sunday with my uncle Scott and his family. When we were driving up it looked like it was raising out of the ground! It was spectacular! Then we pulled up and the sun was setting and made the tiles have a redish glow, it was soo beautiful! I am definately visiting it again!

January 27th 2011

My new adopted grandparents!! Over the semester change my family went down to St. George and stayed at my aunts parents house. They are awesome! I will definately visit them more! Today the air quality wasn't the greatest... There was hardly any sun and it made me a little sad. I miss the St. George weather, it was clear the entire time we were down there and we could see all the stars at night! Today I got beat, dance just about killed me! I slept terrible last night which didn't make it any better either, more homework today also calls for a long night. One more day though!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January 26, 2011

January 26th! My birthday! So far I've had a good day! I had to go to school, but it wasn't terrible. I have to take Fit for Life because I am a procrastinator, but I enjoy it. I love working out and becoming stronger. Anyway, tonight my friend, Colton, is taking me out for a birthday dinner! This picture was taken on the Bountiful Ridge Golf Course, it was right after smog had cleared from off the mountain side. I absolutely love this picture!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 25, 2011

I've decided to start my own type of 365 albums. This picture was actually taken last Thursday at Tabitha's basketball game against South Davis. I recently just got a job at Snow College to be the events photographer, that means I take pictures at every football game, basketball game, sports.. and any events around the college! I'm so excited!

About Me

My photo
I've grown up in the Bountiful area. Went to Woods Cross High School, where I took a photography class every year. My senior year was an internship at the Castle with Deanne Parry. After high school, I headed down to Snow College in Ephraim to earn my Associates degree and continue taking pictures. I was the Student photographer for the college. Now I'm back at home in Bountiful, going to the U and currently shadowing LaLa's Lens.