Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November 15, 2011

This picture oddly reminds me of our relationship. Ha Tabi is always so absorbed in herself that she doesn't notice the creeper right behind her! And of course I'm taking pictures of it. 
I'm super excited for Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see my cousins and eat Prime Rib. I love love love it! I can't wait to go night sledding and see my pudgy. Well not my Pudgy. I want to see lil pudge and his fat fat belly. And I get laser hair removal on Wednesday... Which means I have to shave. ugh. ha And hopefully! I get a Hedgehog! But I don't know... 
One thing I am extremely excited about it church. Sam and Dallas will be there, or at least Dallas. I haven't seen them in forever! There was a time when we would all hang out! But now they live in Wyoming... 
Oh! So I get to register for classes on Thursday! I am so excited. I keep writing out my schedule and making sure it works out. I'll be taking 16 credits, and if I can slip it in I'll take English 2010 and then I will have all my requirements for an Associates degree, just need to get in more credit hours. The only thing that I'm worried about is my chemistry credits. Or actually all my science credits. I hope I don't have to take another science, I should be good but I'll have to double check. But it's all art and gym credits. I'm going to take Archery! That should be way fun! 

Friday, November 11, 2011

My family

Today I have thankful for my family. I don't know where I would be without them. No matter how weird they are or how cool they think they are, they are always there. Even if they defriend me on facebook, I know that eventually they will add me again. I actually miss seeing my family on a regular basis, sometimes. I miss not having movie nights with Tabi and having her fall asleep before the ending of Cloudy. I miss Tori getting up the next morning and punching us. "You guys always never wake me up!"
All these pictures are from Bear Lake. Even though I had just gotten my wisdom teeth out I still had fun. The nights were cold, but I had so much fun playing cards with Scott and being able to see his kids all the time. I absolutely love Addie and Ethan. They are so sweet and so hilarious. 
Even though I love college, I also love going home to see my family. I always want to see everyone when I go home, but I hardly ever do. I don't think I've seen my extended family since I left... Well I've see the Turner side once, and for like 5 minutes. None of my extended family has seen my hair except for on facebook. I'm glad that I'm coming home during Thanksgiving and I'll get to see most my family! 

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I am exhausted! Thursday's are always so long because of Human Biology. It's a 3 hour class once a week. It sucks and I just don't have the energy to sit there. His lecture's are kinda pointless to because he posts all the questions and answers to the tests online so we can study those. Easy, long, boring class. 
Anyway, I just spent the last half hour walking around campus trying to find Jason Chaffetz. He is a congressman for Utah in case you are politically retarded. I actually would have been slightly excited to hear him talk, but I couldn't find him. I actually made a new friend by walking around. Her name is Emma and she writes for Greg, while I take all the pictures. We found out that we live really close actually. She went to Viewmont, where most people down here are from Riverton or Gunnison, I swear. 
So for Christmas I have decided that I would like a hedgehog. They are wonderful pets. Everyone that has one really likes them. They are easy to take care of and really smart.They can be potty trained and sleep most the day. They don't stink like rodents and they are usually really clean animals, only needing a bath once every couple of months. They eat cat food because it's high in protein and low in fat. They have their own personalities also. Every single one is unique, which I guess every animal and human does. Most like to be held to a certain degree. They have horrible eyesight so they get to know you by your smell and your voice. The younger you get them then there is a greater chance there will be a great bond. I already know where I would put it and how I would set up its cage. I think I want a male more, mainly just because I have names in mind. But I guess I could breed a female and make some money. 
I would absolutely love one. But we'll see if my mom agrees. I also decided that I want to be an ambassador next year and see if I can get the same job that I have right now. Then I would have a scholarship and one for my apartment and a job, earning money. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8, 2011

So finally I post something! It's been pretty exciting since last time. I keep thinking that I want to blog more, we'll see, I'm making no promises. 
So last week was Homecoming... It was freezing! Taking pictures for football was horrible. I couldn't feel my hands and couldn't move my fingers, until my officer boyfriend (not really, he just always hangs around me during the games) gave me a hand warmer. It was a very nice gesture and I greatly appreciated it! I got some great pictures! Especially of ref's in the way of my lens. So there is one more home game, then there will be the "Top of the Mountains" where Snow football goes to Rio Tinto and plays. Greg asked if I wanted to go... Seriously, did he even need to ask? So I'm getting a sideline pass and I'm going to Salt Lake on Dec. 3 to take pictures. I am stoked!!
So this is the lovely month of registration. I am actually super excited. I am done with this semester and if I can get the schedule that I want for next semester it will be great! Hopefully I can take an Archery class and I'm planning on taking circuit training! It will be crazy! On top of that I would take Photography and 3D Design. It'll be a little crazy. 
So Ephraim gets freezing, but there is no snow yet. It's crazy and I know once the snow sticks then it'll be here until summer semester. I still love it down here! It's way fun. I love being on my own and having roommates that blast the heater, even at night when it's supposed to be colder. I was being sarcastic about the roommates. It sucks, but they are pretty great otherwise, except for Audrey's occasional sleep talking and wall punching and man talking. 

About Me

My photo
I've grown up in the Bountiful area. Went to Woods Cross High School, where I took a photography class every year. My senior year was an internship at the Castle with Deanne Parry. After high school, I headed down to Snow College in Ephraim to earn my Associates degree and continue taking pictures. I was the Student photographer for the college. Now I'm back at home in Bountiful, going to the U and currently shadowing LaLa's Lens.