Monday, May 28, 2012

Jack is so cute! I love looking through all these pictures! But it is definitely weird that Eric is a father. He is still too much of a child to have one of his own. 
Well, my lights and backdrops should get here on Tuesday. Once I get them I want to start taking a lot more pictures! I want to anyway. Mostly of children. I'm going to put a post up on Facebook to see who wants pictures done, preferably children. 
I didn't realize how much I missed taking pictures! The last couple months at my job were slow. Most of the action took place during the football and basketball seasons. 

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About Me

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I've grown up in the Bountiful area. Went to Woods Cross High School, where I took a photography class every year. My senior year was an internship at the Castle with Deanne Parry. After high school, I headed down to Snow College in Ephraim to earn my Associates degree and continue taking pictures. I was the Student photographer for the college. Now I'm back at home in Bountiful, going to the U and currently shadowing LaLa's Lens.