Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8, 2011

So finally I post something! It's been pretty exciting since last time. I keep thinking that I want to blog more, we'll see, I'm making no promises. 
So last week was Homecoming... It was freezing! Taking pictures for football was horrible. I couldn't feel my hands and couldn't move my fingers, until my officer boyfriend (not really, he just always hangs around me during the games) gave me a hand warmer. It was a very nice gesture and I greatly appreciated it! I got some great pictures! Especially of ref's in the way of my lens. So there is one more home game, then there will be the "Top of the Mountains" where Snow football goes to Rio Tinto and plays. Greg asked if I wanted to go... Seriously, did he even need to ask? So I'm getting a sideline pass and I'm going to Salt Lake on Dec. 3 to take pictures. I am stoked!!
So this is the lovely month of registration. I am actually super excited. I am done with this semester and if I can get the schedule that I want for next semester it will be great! Hopefully I can take an Archery class and I'm planning on taking circuit training! It will be crazy! On top of that I would take Photography and 3D Design. It'll be a little crazy. 
So Ephraim gets freezing, but there is no snow yet. It's crazy and I know once the snow sticks then it'll be here until summer semester. I still love it down here! It's way fun. I love being on my own and having roommates that blast the heater, even at night when it's supposed to be colder. I was being sarcastic about the roommates. It sucks, but they are pretty great otherwise, except for Audrey's occasional sleep talking and wall punching and man talking. 

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About Me

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I've grown up in the Bountiful area. Went to Woods Cross High School, where I took a photography class every year. My senior year was an internship at the Castle with Deanne Parry. After high school, I headed down to Snow College in Ephraim to earn my Associates degree and continue taking pictures. I was the Student photographer for the college. Now I'm back at home in Bountiful, going to the U and currently shadowing LaLa's Lens.